Meet the Members of sfBIG – Austin Leonard

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Meet Austin Leonard

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Family, friends, good food & drink with lots of laughs!

What are the qualities you look for in hiring people?

1) Sense of Curiosity

2) Desire to learn something new every day 

3) Work Ethic 

4) Attention to Detail

What living person(s) do you most admire?

My dad – he’s always been there for everyone in our family, taught me at an early age to do the right thing all the time (no matter who’s looking at where your golf shot actually landed!) and I was lucky enough to get his sense of humor & approach to life.

What’s the best advice you ever received?

Pick a career with something that you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!

What are the times you try and stay off your phone?

Patriots & University of Florida Football Games (unless I’m talking to other Pats or Gators!)

What is the app you wish someone would invent?

Mobile Interpreter – I love to travel but hate when I can’t communicate with locals in their own language; I know we have to be getting close here!

What talent would you most like to have?

Time travel – I love being in person with clients, friends & family as much as possible but there’s only so much time you can spend on planes!