Meet the Members of sfBIG – Bessie Frank

Meet Bessie Frank
What human quality do you most admire and also most deplore?
I really admire those who are honest, have integrity and are just good people. I have a hard time with people who are manipulative and acting in ways that benefit them first.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Hhhmmm, that is a hard one. I guess it would be watching Marvel movies and drinking wine.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Vacationing with my family, spending time with them always brings me joy. I love getting away where we can relax and truly enjoy each other’s company.
What is the app you wish someone would invent?
One that would stop my child from whining…lol. Or maybe just so that understand the reasons behind why we ask her to do things.
In this short time, any tips from working from home
As someone who has worked from home for years, I highly recommend a space that is just for work. I know it’s hard for some who live in apartment and with roommates/family to find that space. Get creative, put up a sheet or make a fort :). Also being disciplined with your time, I find blocking off time on my calendar to do the more administrative work helps keep me on task. Right now, schedule virtual coffee breaks, it’s so important to stay connected as much as we can.
What is the most fun in your job?
Working with my team and clients. I love digging into ways our products aid our clients to meet their business needs. When there is true collaboration that is when we really start to see positive results from the work everyone did to get there.
Any secret places/hang out/food in the Bay Area that you can clue us in on?
So many good places in the Bay Area! In the city I’d say Vesuvio is still one of my favorite places to grab a drink, sitting upstairs by the front window offers great people watching. There is a hike in Larkspur, the madrone hike, that is a locals spot – it’s an amazingly beautiful shaded hike and after you can eat at one of the great restaurants in town.