Tips For Working From Home Part 2

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Hello! We are back with more tips to share with all of you while many of us continue to work from home full-time or at least partially! Thank you all who read through our first batch of tips and shared positive thoughts as well as their own tips with us. We learned a lot from all of you and wanted to share a few of the favorites we have received from our members so far!

Keep sharing tips with us and we will be sure to feature them all on our future Tips For Working From Home installments.

Tip #1

We could not agree more with Catherine’s tip. Freshening up your home office is a necessary component to staying in the zone! Try a new scent and improve your breathing environment.

Tip #2

Kelly is right! It is important to remain fresh but also while staying productive. Her BeFocused app is a great tool to utilize to maximize your output while staying charged up.

Tip #3

Kris has got the right idea about routines! Even in this unique moment, routines are pivotal to feeling and performing your best. Maintaining or making slight changes to your usual morning routine will help you feel the same amount of energy while working from home.

Any tips our list is missing? Let us know!

We want to know what you have been doing to make this transition seamless. Send a note to [email protected] with your own personal tips or guide to working from home and we will share them with the community!