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Join us for our first VIRTUAL event taking place on March 19th at 12 pm! This will be a sfBIG Lunch & Learn! Our President John Durham will be Moderating the event and joined by Brian Morrissey President and Editorial Director of Digiday. They will be discussing how are people coping, what people are doing across the country, and everything going on during these days of working remotely!
We know these are strange times for everyone in our community and working from home can be relaxing but also less engaging. At sfBIG, we want to offer a 1-hour Lunch & Learn about some great topics in the industry. This is a time for our members to chat and stay connected with what’s going on.
We will be using Cisco Webex for our virtual Lunch & Learn! Please follow the directions to join our awesome new event.
Join Online:
Meeting Link: https://zach-834.my.webex.com/zach-834.my/j.php?MTID=m2d4fb4c0e317869949f17db1f5f5a7cc
Meeting Number: 959 789 655
Password: sfBIGFLunchLearn
Join by phone:
SFBig Members receive discounts for tickets to many events. Make sure you are logged in to receive any discounts that apply.
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