Meet the Members of sfBIG – Helena Öhman
Meet Helena Öhman
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
If I could design a day to symbolize perfect happiness, it would be spent reuniting with friends who are spread around the globe. Cooking, listening to local music, and soaking in the beauty of a new city.
What are the qualities you look for in hiring people?
The best team members I’ve ever hired and worked with are the curious ones. Curiosity comes with this innate fearlessness that I believe enables people to do their best work and approach challenges healthily. I believe that curiosity can change the workplace culture to the better, and should be applied to any task, role, and seniority.
What’s the best advice you ever received?
If an opportunity you are presented with feels like the right one to pursue, go for it and the subsequential opportunities will feel just as right. If an opportunity doesn’t feel right, wait for another that does. We often get too caught up in the long term next steps, but your mind might change in a year, so just go for what’s right in the now.
What are the times you try and stay off your phone?
When I’m spending time with friends or family. The movie theater is also an excellent place to zone out from electronics.
What is the app you wish someone would invent?
A teleportation app. I know, impossible. But one could dream?
What talent would you most like to have?
Fluency in any musical instrument. I would love to be able to play a song by ear on the piano.