Meet the Members of sfBIG – Luke Burke

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Meet Luke Burke

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

I recognize that happiness lies in the journey. Laughter, health, prosperity, friendship, wealth, success, peace and family are all a part of that. So, with that out of the way, I’ll take a weeklong stay in Butler Cabin at Augusta National with my family. Then and only then will I be truly happy.

What are the qualities you look for in hiring people?

I look for character and genuineness. You do you – you be you. If that’s a fit for the company, then fantastic, but if it’s not then it’s a hell of a lot better than you trying to be someone you’re not in an organization where you don’t feel like you can be yourself. 

What living person(s) do you most admire?

My incredible wife of seven years, Lauren. 

What’s the best advice you ever received?

I’ll give you my three favorites.

1.) Work hard and be nice to people.

2.) Done is better than perfect.

3.) Be you – the world loves an original. 

What are the times you try and stay off your phone?

I’ve taken the advice of charging my phone in a room other than my bedroom. I don’t literally put my phone in it’s own bed like Ms. Huffington, but it does go on a charger in the living room at 10pm. I try not to check it for the first 30 mins of the day, and I also try my best to stay off when I’m playing Legos with my boys. 

What is the app you wish someone would invent?

Well I actually have an app built that I wished someone would invent that is rooted in the wine industry, but it’s not 100% functional just yet. So stay tuned – more to come on that. In the meantime, as the parent of four-year-old twin boys, I see how kids want to interact with a phone just like adults. I’d love to see a kids-centric lifestyle app that kids can go to get weather, news, sports, entertainment, etc. simplified and tailored for the kiddos. 

What gets you excited about our business in 2020?

It seems strange to say, but I think over the last 20 years we’ve seen a seismic shift from an industry of Mad Men (& Women) to an industry of Math Men (& Women), and as much as I appreciate and value technology and data, with all the changes in privacy and a cookie-less future, I’m kind of excited about the idea of getting back to some of our Mad Men roots. That’s not to say three martini lunches and egregious disregard for office etiquette, but more about creativity and creative messaging, which, to me, is still the most exciting element of advertising.